Buzz Solutions
Buzz Solutions provides digital and AI solutions for utilities to inspect their energy infrastructure efficiently and safely. Using Buzz Solutions' platforms, such as PowerAI and PowerGUARD, utilities can inspect and analyze visual data for their T&D and substation infrastructure in a faster and cheaper way and can prioritize their maintenance plans efficiently.

The eleXsys dSTATCOM technology can assist utilities in growing their capacity to host more distributed generation capacity on local networks, whilst maintaining voltage and power quality on the network for all customers. eleXsys can provide a comprehensive network management tool for use on rapidly changing distribution networks.

Granular Energy aims to make 24/7 clean energy accessible to everyone. Their platform simplifies existing processes for utilities with an end-to-end energy attribute certificate management platform, it offers transparent end-customer reporting, and enables the creation of next-generation green offers like hourly-matched round-the-clock clean energy.

GridWrap restores and increases structural integrity of utility poles by patented composite wrapping. GridWrap is a safe and reliable solution to retrofit utility poles, extend their lifespan, and improve their resilience with no downtime.

Looq AI offers a simplified, cost-effective solution for capturing and analyzing 3D data of large-scale infrastructure. Looq's hardware and software work together to generate 3D models of large infrastructure assets like the electric distribution grid for individuals who need detailed, accurate 3D models of large-scale assets but seek an alternative to expensive, complex lidar and drone platforms.

metroscope offers a cloud-based software platform (SaaS) that automatically detects simultaneous faults and impacts on steam and turbine cycle equipment providing a complete fault state estimate of the plant. metroscope technology is currently used in nuclear and combined cycle units worldwide.

NuclearN leverages a machine learning platform and AI to automate tasks typically faced by nuclear power plants. This platform offers pre-trained models designed specifically for the nuclear power industry, tackling challenges like condition report coding, trend detection, safety reporting, and more. Users can benefit from immediate implementation while also customizing solutions for their unique needs.

Rhizome is a climate resilience SaaS company helping electric utilities mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events. The Rhizome proprietary climate risk platform has been constructed and scaled specifically to assess the likelihood of hazards and their intensities, the vulnerability of utility infrastructure assets, and the impact to the system and utility customers.

Sensatek allows blade owners and operators to optimize profitability. They use predictive analytics to continuously monitor blades, such as wind turbines, for structural damage using wireless intelligent sensors based on microstrip patch antenna technology.

Utilidata is developing a new smart grid solution: the Utilidata smart grid chip (SGC). This chip uses open-source distributed AI to analyze data at the grid edge, where energy is generated and consumed. It offers computing power with embedded software to manage rapid decarbonization, electrification, and extreme weather events.

Zitara offers Zitara Live, a software solution for onboard battery monitoring and adaptive controls. It aims to improve predictability, targeting utility-grade performance, by combining edge-learning with adaptive controls, the software aims to optimize battery monitoring, utilization, reliability, and control strategies.

CRWN.AI uses directed microphone arrays installed at each structure to listen for ultrasonic noise generated by electrical discharge activity such as corona, arcing, and partial discharges. The system can be tuned to real-time monitoring or sampling. The microphones may be able to detect other noise signatures that may be related other activity that would be of interest such as vibrations.

Feedback Solutions
Feedback Solutions worked closely with Tucson Electric Power & EPRI to deploy their real-time occupant count-based demand control ventilation ((DCV) for HVAC optimization. The goal was to calculate accurate, timely occupant counts within each HVAC zone of a building to optimize ventilation requirements. This pilot project planned to measure the potential effectiveness of the company's DCV strategy to support energy savings and ultimately reduce GHG emissions.

Gridware Technologies Inc.
Gridware deploys grid monitoring devices, including mechanical sensors, embedded analytics, and real-time communication, on electric poles for continuous anomaly monitoring even during outages. Gridware’s sensors coupled with its proprietary algorithms quickly detect faults and accurately identify fault types and locations to provide utilities with insights on system health within milliseconds. Gridware enables utilities to better tune their protection systems to trip only when and where absolutely necessary and to re-energize lines more expeditiously. This allows utilities to ensure reliable operations even during high risk events like wildfires, mitigate climate risk, and satisfy regulators’ concerns.

InnovationForce's SaaS is being integrated with Central Hudson's Microsoft Teams environment to create key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be measured and visualized in real-time dashboards. The platform includes creating a content management system to take the learnings out of emails to be shared within a SharePoint-based use case library. These learnings may be prioritized based on their perceived impact on meeting Fortis Inc.'s quantitative strategic objectives, such as driving growth.

Locusview will provide a mobile app and hardware (tablet, barcode scanner, GPS) to Southern Company field crews for scanning smart tags on underground cables and splice kits during a 16-week construction project. The app will generate a digital as-built with attribute data using the smart tags. Locusview will collaborate with Southern Company and two manufacturers to implement smart tags and digital as-built tech.

MeterLeader is working with Ameren to engage Ameren's employees in an energy and carbon reduction challenge. Like a fitness app, MeterLeader allows an organization, city or community to engage with its constituents, employees, and occupants to become "champions" of energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction. Participants can visualize their energy use and carbon footprint, which may incentivize them to reduce both. Over 18 weeks, MeterLeader will deploy its mobile app platform for employees at Ameren Illinois & Ameren Missouri.

microEra Power, Inc.
microEra Power is working with NYPA, conEdison, and EPRI to evaluate a thermal energy storage (TES) system to help manage commercial building energy use and improve customer This technology utilizes a tunable phase-change material (PCM) that can provide hot and cold thermal storage in addition to the traditional peak load management offered by thermal storage. The project will evaluate MicroEra Power's thermal storage technology in a controlled laboratory environment. EPRI will assess the technology's energy storage capacity, energy efficiency, and load-shifting capabilities at MicroEra's facility in Rochester, NY.

New Sun Road
New Sun Road is working with EPRI to demonstrate their Stellar Microgrid OS cloud controller and Stellar Edge on-site controller as a microgrid control and local DER Management System (L-DERMS) solution for microgrids during grid-connected operation projects. The project will utilize EPRI's SPIDER (Simulation Platform for Integration of DER) testbed to assess optimized energy generation in a simulated, grid-connected microgrid to potentially minimize emissions, fuel, and energy costs.

NYPA is testing a novel battery (50kW/250 kWh lithium-ion) design & system architecture to validate the battery's efficacy in limiting the propagation of thermal runaway.

Rainforest Automation
Rainforest is working on two separate demonstrations involving Ameren and SCE. Ameren's pilot project seeks to demonstrate the potential practicality f using existing AMI meter data to identify and track EV charging sessions. SCE's pilot will deploy an actively managed EV charging solution to qualifed SCE customers. Rainforest will simultaneously develop an interface between their system and the TeMix platform that will allow users of the Rainforest system to participate in the SCE Dynamic Rate Pilot as a follow-on to the initial project.

Rhythmos is working with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB) to compile weekly static AMI data to detect new EV charging loads coming onto the system. Rhythmos will analyze the potential implications of EV charging under unmanaged, Time-of-Use, and Rhythmos-managed charging approaches. This analysis will use rate and wholesale energy information provided by KUB & TVA to characterize the differences in energy cost to serve, avoided transformer upgrades, and EV driver cost savings, among other factors.

Singularity was selected by Southern California Edison (SCE) to demonstrate its Carbon Flow technology for highly granular carbon intensity mapping, for its potential applications in dynamic rates & load flexibility.

Solid State Power LLC
Solid State Power is working with EPRI and a group of seven utilities to demonstrate a new solid-state transformer (SST) for medium voltage applications intended as a potential replacement for conventional pole top installations. The project will entail laboratory testing at EPRI's Lenox, MA test facility of the SST design to understand its capabilities as a distribution transformer and voltage regulation device. The testing results may help evaluate the next generation of this SST and potential demonstration or pilot projects on utility distribution systems.

Square Robot
Square Robot is working with TVA to perform four in-service robotic tank inspections (one firewater tank & three fuel tanks). The demonstration is intended to showcase Square Robot's robot inspection technology, including coverage, data acquisition, high-resolution videos, soil and product side corrosion, coating information, and tank settlement mapping. These in-service inspections may help energy providers prevent the release of emissions and potentially avoid high costs and downtime.

Uptime Analytics
Uptime Analytics worked with Ameren to utilize Uptime Analytics' Analytical Twin (AT), a cloud solution that may optimize the operation of an industrial system by examining operational, energy, maintenance, and condition variables. This offline demonstration has the potential to improve the reliability and availability of four high-pressure boiler feed pumps; Predict failure modes using predictive & prescriptive AI models; and improve data-driven operational decision-making.

VectorZero worked with EPRI's cyber security test lab to demonstrate VectorZero's cloud-native Active Data Vault™ (ADV) technology for cybersecurity and data governance applications. EPRI will test ADV to validate applications, programs, and other tools commonly used by utilities to ingest, analyze, and communicate data.

The project, between AEP and DemandQ, will demonstrate the company's demand optimization software and services in action at one of EPRI's buildings in Charlotte, N.C., to understand the technology's potential for reducing peak load and delivering seasonal, dispatchable peak demand curtailment services for C&I customers.

Dryad Networks
The company will work with Pacific Gas & Electric to demonstrate its Silvanet large scale IoT network solution for early wildfire detection in Northern California. The Silvanet network includes asset-mounted sensors, a mesh network utilizing LORAWAN for communications, and a cloud-based data analysis dashboard.

Electric Era Technologies Inc.
The company will demonstrate its PowerNode ™ - 120 energy storage and software system for EV fast-charging with support from Central Hudson Gas & Electric and Xcel Energy at EPRI's laboratory in Knoxville, TN. The team will evaluate several fast-charging scenarios using a SK Signet fast charger and programmable load bank.

ElectricFish Energy, Inc.
ElectricFish, Ameren, and EPRI will partner to demonstrate the value of ElectricFish's patented Community Resilience Score (CoReScore ™) within a defined geographical area in a utility's service territory. The outcome is to proactively identify areas that will become burdened with higher EV demand relative to grid capacity gaps, and climate/power outage risks.

enersion Inc.
The company will be building a mobile solar-powered shipping container that provides cooling, hot water, and electricity. The energy-cubed product will be fully off-grid, powered solely by solar panels with battery storage. It will be tested at EPRI's Knoxville, TN laboratory, then transferred to Con Edison in New York City where it will be evaluated for use as an off-grid disaster command center and for its energy efficiency properties. ElectroDunas, a distribution utility in Peru and a subsidiary of Grupo Energia Bogota, also will evaluate the project for potential application of the technology in its service territory.

Extensible Energy
The company worked with FortisBC to evaluate the potential of Extensible Energy's AI-driven software, DemandEX™, to help manage commercial building energy use and improve customer comfort in one of the FortisBC office locations in British Columbia.

The company will demonstrate its hardware and software solution with Xcel Energy to explore the potential for real-time command, control and dispatch of distributed energy resources.

PingThings, Inc.
PingThings offers an artificial intelligence platform that intakes, stores and visualizes high-definition sensor data in real time at grid scale.

The company will demonstrate its voltage sensor wristband technology with Tennessee Valley Authority personnel who generally work around de-energized equipment to understand and document the technology's potential to help workers avoid near-miss situations.

Renewell Energy
This project will investigate the company's Gravity Well (abandoned well-to-energy storage) technology by assessing Renewell's pilot installation in Bakersfield, CA. EPRI's team will collect data and evaluate the characteristics of the technology in action, using the ESIC Energy Storage Test Manual and data submission guidelines as guides.

RWI uses AI-enabled intelligence systems to model complex environments and human behavior, to help grid planners integrate distributed energy resources more effectively.

The company will demonstrate its Adaptix.Grid solution with Grupo Energia Bogota and Southern California Edison to investigate the power of artificial intelligence to provide granular insights from sensor and time-series data to quantify the material value that the solution may deliver.

Singularity was selected by Southern California Edison (SCE) to demonstrate its Carbon Flow technology for highly granular carbon intensity mapping, for its potential applications in dynamic rates & load flexibility.

Vizi Metering, Inc.
Project Description
The company will demonstrate its non-contact real power meter within an EPRI laboratory to investigate the solution's cost, simplicity, reliability and accuracy. Vizi looks to transform the built environment by making power metering and building health sensing so affordable and simple that it becomes ubiquitous.

The company will demonstrate its predictive energy modeling software to deliver building and data science insights for selected homes in a location in Ameren's service territory. The project seeks to investigate homeowner participation in utility residential energy upgrade programs to understand if XeroHome's automated process produces reliable results compared to the bespoke, traditional energy audit process requiring a professional home assessor.

Buzz Solutions
Artificial intelligence, actionable insights, and predictive power line and grid inspection analytics.
How can AI support automated inspection? EPRI and Buzz Solutions will leverage AI to review drone-collected, distribution inspection imagery in this project. AI systems that can automate this review process can potentially save utilities time and cost. However, there are unknowns related to efficiency improvements and prediction quality.
Utility inspectors will interact with Buzz Solutions’ Power AI software. EPRI intends to investigate the quality of these AI-based predictions and study the efficiency impact of the PowerAI tool.

Community Energy Labs
Grid-smart building controls that enable commercial building owners and facility managers to upgrade and autonomously operate clean, affordable, all-electric buildings without sacrificing occupant comfort, or disrupting power markets or the grid.
The project with Community Energy Labs seeks to demonstrate a building’s energy flexibility during operations through building energy management systems (BEMS) by cultivating a deeper understanding of how building owner and end-user preferences, demographics, and goals interact with building systems, envelope, and other actors, with schools in California.
Observations from this project will form the basis for learning algorithms and optimization objectives tailored to specific customer personas and market segments to more reliably predict and shape building loads. Furthermore, the team seeks to optimize energy costs (demand charges and energy) and electrification goals for commercial customers with limited budgets and staffing.

Copper Labs
Wireless energy monitor that delivers consumption and power quality data from electric, gas, and water meters so utilities can engage consumers with actionable insights for demand management, electrification, grid planning, and distribution network health monitoring.
How can advanced metering infrastructure be leveraged for real-time insights into customer energy use? Copper Labs has developed a wireless energy monitor that can connect with electricity, gas, and water meters and measure local voltage to provide utilities with high-resolution data in real time.
This project seeks to evaluate how these insights can impact customer energy use in behavioral demand response programs. Additional data on local voltage and gas usage will be assessed for its potential to inform grid operations and electrification. The proposed project would involve a pilot test with 750 Xcel Energy customers with AMI meters that are participating in behavioral demand response. Pilot testing depends on integrating and validating Copper Labs’ backend with Xcel Energy's metering infrastructure, which may delay the project launch.

Voice AI technology engineered specifically for the industrial workforce to interface with enterprise databases.
Voice assistant software is playing a larger role in our daily lives and is showing promise in industrial use cases. How can electric utilities harness the power of this technology to improve workforce efficiencies, enhance safety, and increase adherence to procedures?
Con Edison and EPRI are exploring this question with Datch. Con Edison will work with Datch, who has experience in various industries, to integrate their voice assistant software into one of Con Edison’s work planning applications to enable their planners to dictate work order requirements via a mobile device. The demonstration project will aim to replace manual and sometimes duplicative tasks and provide Con Edison and the project team the opportunity to work through voice assistant software integration requirements and processes.

DCSix Technologies Ltd
An energy monitoring platform that reduces energy bills and encourages the pursuit of more sustainable energy use.
How can a low-income community benefit from a circuit-level energy monitoring service? SCE and EPRI will work with DCSix Technologies to install their energy monitoring equipment (Wattrics) at a multifamily residential complex in Willowbrook, CA. Wattrics will provide visibility to all sub-meter energy use in the common areas, community building, and within many residents' apartments.
DCSix’s cloud-based platform will use data analytics to determine the potential to improve energy efficiency, reduce energy costs, and reduce carbon emissions through behavioral changes or technology improvements. The front end of the Wattrics system will be available for the property manager, the dashboard will use targeted data insights to illustrate how energy is used throughout the community and identify where there is scope to reduce energy costs. The back end of Wattrics will be used to understand how upcoming Time-of-Use rates could affect resident energy bills, with insights drawn on how residents can avoid the increased costs. EPRI will investigate all other potential use cases of the Wattrics platform to leverage reliable and granular circuit-level data analytics to improve a building's energy efficiency, costs, and carbon footprint.

Design Interactive Inc.
A fast-growing market is training & education (T&E) for people in an electric industry culture where change has become ubiquitous. As a result, new tools are being introduced to make the T&E process more effective and efficient for learners thereby accelerating the learning experience and making the experience a good one.
These T&E platforms are facilitating distance learning formats which are commonly referred to as virtual or remote exposures. Consequently, new software platforms are emerging to host training materials to facilitate and improve the entire T&E process. Consolidated Edison is sponsoring Design Interactive’s XRMENTOR™ software, an instructor-led and self-guided training platform that is enhanced by augmented reality. The product will be demonstrated as a potentially more effective alternative delivery platform to traditional PowerPoints, and instructional videos to aid in the distance learning format. Previously developed materials by Consolidated Edison will be hosted by XRMENTOR and Consolidated Edison instructors will livestream a classroom experience using the ClassroomXR™ feature. XRMENTOR™’s ClassroomXR™ feature supports a simple engagement configuration with class participants whereby only the instructor wears a HoloLens 2 – there is no lens required by class participants. Our use case for the software demonstration is a cable splicing protocol training session needed by Consolidated Edison for its field crews. The project will assess the learning effectiveness and costs of implementation for the XRMENTOR software.

Energy data API platform that pulls on a national GHG inventory to visualize complex energy consumption and emissions data for individual, corporate, and government entities.
With many states, cities, local jurisdictions, and corporations setting up their own decarbonization goals, the role of buildings as a lever in ensuring economy-wide decarbonization is gaining in importance. At the same time, utilities that run energy efficiency, demand response, and other energy conservation customer programs are ideally positioned to work alongside states, cities, and corporations to help align their program offerings with decarbonization goals.
Dynamhex, Ameren, and EPRI teamed up to address how Ameren’s customer programs are helping to decarbonize the buildings sector in Missouri and Illinois using Dynamhex’s Decarbonization-as-a-Service platform. The platform presents a unique way to understand how buildings can contribute to decarbonization. By analyzing the carbon footprint of the building stock at the city and county levels using a variety of energy efficiency and demand flexibility measures while taking customer demographics, equity, and social justice into account the platform helps to optimize customer program rollout for Ameren.

enerbrain S.r.l
AI-powered software that optimizes HVAC energy consumption for sustainable, comfortable, and efficient buildings.
The demonstration with enerbrain is aimed at developing a scalable plug & play solution for monitoring and control of HVAC systems. The project will test enerbrain’s AI algorithm to optimize buildings’ energy use and indoor comfort conditions while enabling remote real-time monitoring and control.
Part of the enerbrain solution will be tested in EPRI Charlotte building 3 to control small independent AC Units, to generate energy savings while maintaining comfort levels. The demonstration is focused on the electrical rooms of building 3 to minimize the impacts of no/low occupancy in the office spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Machine learning algorithms for intelligent energy analytics and control of electricity flow.
Eneryield is a young company specializing in bringing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to bear on existing utility data streams. In this project, EPRI is working with NYPA to see if Eneryield’s AI/ML techniques can help in predicting failures in a 26 miles underground/underwater cable.

Future Grid
SaaS "toolkit" to address the power quality challenges caused by renewable technology.
Worldwide, the increasing use of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) has resulted in much more comprehensive and fine-grained measurements at many more points on the distribution network than had ever been gathered before. Turning this mountain of AMI data into actionable insights is the goal of this project.
Using the Software as a Service (SaaS) Future Grid Toolkit, the team, with FortisBC, Vermont Electric Co-Op, Future Grid, and EPRI, is going to explore the detection and location of electric vehicles (EVs), photovoltaics (PVs), the detection and analysis of power quality anomalies, and the assessment of potential transformer health, overloading, and fault detection. Using these tools will help both FortisBC and Vermont Electric Co-Op prepare for increasing deployment of systems and devices to meet the goals of a decarbonized grid using renewable resources.

HeyCharge GmbH
Device to enable electric car charging for apartments and garages.
How can you provide electric vehicle charging where you need access control and fee collection but do so with a low overhead cost? Can you do so without the expense of a dedicated live network connection?
HeyCharge has developed a solution based on the use of consumer smartphones as the data transport mechanism for managed charging that eliminates the need for a live network connection to the charging hardware while still providing for fee collection and user authentication. This project seeks to explore the efficiencies gained and the challenges associated with the use of the HeyCharge technology approach with real-world testing. Through a lab-based demonstration at an EPRI facility, the team of Ameren, Tucson Electric Power, and EPRI will assess the installation, operation, charging consumer interface, and back-office tools provided with the HeyCharge system.

Window inserts that press into existing window frames to bring energy efficiency without requiring window replacement.
There are millions of underperforming windows in the United States, especially in older buildings. Some windows do not even fully seal the opening, allowing for cold drafts to discomfort occupants and increase energy bills.
indow’s new indow Kit is a window insert that presses inside the window frames with no mounting bracket to block drafts 100%, reduce noise by up to 70%, and lower heating and cooling energy bills by up to 20%. This new concept is lower cost and is more flexible than indow’s previous solution. The new indow Kit also reduces shipping components and makes measuring the windows simpler. TVA and EPRI are working with Indow to demonstrate their new indow Kit product in 20 disadvantaged/low-income homes in Tennessee to understand pre-installation requirements, installation best practices, customer satisfaction, and energy savings.

Microgrid Labs
Comprehensive power management and control systems for industrials, utilities, and microgrids.
Transitioning from traditional to electric mobility is a capital-intensive process as electric vehicles are more expensive and need additional investments to develop the required charging infrastructure. These projects are also complicated by the several factors that influence their design, cost, and performance.
This project with Microgrid Labs is to provide technology services and support for EPRI’s research into potentially lower-cost methods of providing fleet electric vehicle feasibility studies and system design. The main interest of this research is to determine the efficiencies gained and the challenges associated with the use of Microgrid Labs’ technology, EVOPT, in a real-world setting.

Noteworthy AI, Inc.
Real-time inspection and inventory for distribution assets.
Utility workers drive fleet vehicles every day. What if these vehicles capture imagery of overhead infrastructure as they drive? In this demonstration, Noteworthy AI with the support of FirstEnergy will install, demonstrate, and test a vehicle-mounted imaging solution.
Leveraging AI, utilities may be able to leverage these field-collected images to support inspection, inventory, and monitoring. In this demonstration, EPRI intends to evaluate the quality of inspection data and perform AI-based predictions.

Pano AI
Powers actionable intelligence for fire professionals with ultra-high-definition, 360° Pano Cam networks, and AI-powered wildfire detection.
How can computer vision be better leveraged in the early detection and response to wildfires? The Pano AI project seeks to demonstrate how their web portal and alert center, in concert with customizable information layers and strategically located panoramic cameras, may automatically detect, and provide geospatial logistics on fire ignition incidents.
During high risk of fire days and seasons, the faster a fire event can be detected, geographically located, and responded to, the greater the opportunity to respond and limit the fire’s ability to spread. The Pano AI project seeks to improve (speed to detection) time and simultaneously use artificial intelligence to filter out false positives such as clouds and fog. Specific performance indicators will be monitored to better understand the potential of leveraging strategically located 360-degree view cameras. The performance indicators will help to answer questions such as; how does the platform improve net fire detection time, how does the simultaneous use of multiple cameras reduce false-positive rates, and can we expand existing imagery capabilities to provide 24/7 detection awareness during all weather and light/dark conditions.

Shifted Energy
Automated system that manages residential and commercial appliances to support load shaping across the electrical grid.
Water heating is a large emitter, and electrification of this service is a sizeable wedge of the decarbonization path. New electric water heaters will predominantly be of the heat pump variety, but there is also a legacy of electric resistance heaters. Electric utilities stand to benefit from this transition because this growing electric load is inherently associated with energy storage.
However, managing this load while ensuring continued customer satisfaction is challenging because one cold shower could put an end to the use of this device as a controllable load. Shifted Energy’s machine learning algorithms are very efficient at learning customer water heating profiles and can harness this knowledge to provide a utility or an aggregator with an accurate forecast of the load, along with an accurate accounting of the flexibility available. In this project, sponsored by EPRI’s AI initiative, we plan to compare the performance of a fleet of hundreds of water heaters managed by Shifted Energy’s algorithm with that of a control group.

AI-powered, smart controls for power plants to minimize emissions and maximize efficiency.
How can cybersecurity defenders detect attacker’s tactics, techniques, and procedures once they have gained access to an industrial control system network? Cyber attackers can have access to networks for several months before being detected by cybersecurity teams.
They can also affect the operator view panels to make them appear normal, even when the physical system is operating in an unsafe condition. Even minor changes to operational setpoints can have a damaging impact. EPRI is collaborating with ThermoAI to develop machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches to detect these types of cyberattacks. Early detection of attacks allows responders to take action to minimize the impact of the attack.

Urban Electric Power
Energy storage adoption continues to grow at a rapid pace and is a crucial component for grid flexibility and to support renewable energy adoption. However, commercially available energy storage technologies present cost, performance, safety, and availability challenges in scaling to meet global demand.
Urban Electric Power (UEP) is addressing this need with its patented rechargeable alkaline battery technology. This battery transforms the traditional primary alkaline battery, trusted globally for use in homes and electronic devices, into a rechargeable battery for energy storage applications. The UEP battery combines unparalleled safety with strong performance while utilizing low-cost, earth-abundant raw materials. UEP batteries can be scaled into energy storage systems of multiple sizes and are compatible with commercially available power electronics. UEP is building a 60kWh energy storage system for testing at EPRI’s SolarTAC facility in Aurora, Colorado. This system is the UEP energy storage building block and will have performance indicative of larger-scale systems.

WexEnergy LLC
Interior-mounted window insulation panel that keeps the heat inside during cold weather and outside during warm weather.
Windows is the most porous component of the building envelope, and single-pane windows are the worst offenders. WexEnergy’s new Solar-Control WindowSkin is an interior-mounted window retrofit reducing the energy loss of windows.
At a small fraction of the cost of window replacements, Solar Control WindowSkin adds a layer of insulation to existing windows and reduces solar heat gain. WindowSkin targets aging and underperforming windows that are 20+ years old and no longer as energy efficient as when first installed. TVA and EPRI are working with WexEnergy to demonstrate their new Solar-Control WindowSkin product in 20 disadvantaged/low-income homes in Tennessee to understand pre-installation requirements, installation best practices, customer satisfaction, and energy savings.

The company offers a wireless platform that optimizes electric vehicle charging to save customers money, fully utilize renewable energy, and deliver flexibility services to the grid.

Grid Fruit
GridFruit offers a grid-responsive compressor modulation to improve efficiency of commercial food service refrigeration.

The company’s technology detects electrical faults before they occur, which could prevent power losses, wildfires, and other consequences.

Kognitiv Spark
Inventor of an augmented reality-enabled app to help utility workers learn new skills on the job.

LineVision provides a self-powered transmission line monitoring system equipped with integrated solar and battery power.

PingThings, Inc.
PingThings offers an artificial intelligence platform that intakes, stores and visualizes high-definition sensor data in real time at grid scale.

Recurve Analytics, Inc.
Recurve’s software analyzes how buildings use energy and target resources by their potential to ramp energy use up or down in response to cost, carbon reduction, and other customer goals.

RWI uses AI-enabled intelligence systems to model complex environments and human behavior, to help grid planners integrate distributed energy resources more effectively.

Sharc Energy Solutions Inc.
Sharc provides multifamily building wastewater heat recovery systems.

Switched Source
An alum of the 2017 Ameren Accelerator, Switched Source has continued to develop its power electronics solutions to help manage distribution system load and improve power quality.

The Ario product is a smart device application supported by web-based data management to
provide customers with an augmented reality visualization of their workplace. This allows
visual training, operations, maintenance, and troubleshooting activities to occur at
workplace sites and on real workplace machines and equipment. It also leverages data from
other tools already used and can facilitate assistance from subject matter experts no matter
where they are located.
Project Overview: Ario deployed a mobile augmented reality SaaS application at an AEP Ohio
workplace site to provide users with quick access to information, drawings, data, and remote
assistance in field applications. With AEP, Ario developed remote interactive video chat with
subject matter experts and created a user interface to easily add/update equipment and
information. Ario is exploring artificial intelligence (AI) opportunities and how AEP might be able
to support and test new functionality being developed for the Ario platform.

eIQ Mobility
eIQ Mobility is a company dedicated to simplifying and accelerating the electrification of fleets, enabling the transformation to zero-emission mobility through optimized planning, delivery, and operation of electric mobility services at scale. eIQ Mobility is building a powerful data-driven awareness, decision, and planning platform that harvests data from fleets, electric vehicle models, locations, facilities, and utilities to solve fleet executive pain around continual planning for and electrification of their fleets.
Project Overview: eIQ Mobility has tested its EValuate tool using AEP fleet data, developing an AEP-hosted platform for a test pilot of fleet customers. This has enabled the creation of an AEP Operating Company deployment plan for electric vehicles, assessing the load implications and viability of a customer fleet deployment plan.

FreeWire delivers energy whenever and wherever it’s needed for reliable electrification beyond the electrical grid. With products such as the Mobi Gen, Mobi Charger, and Boost, FreeWire leverages storage solutions to provide scalable, clean, power that moves to meet demand. FreeWire customers can tackle new applications and deploy new business models without the complexity of upgrading traditional energy infrastructure.
Project Overview: FreeWire’s Boost solution leverages battery storage to provide Level 3 EV charging capability on Level 2 charging infrastructure. The solution promises to lower the infrastructure costs of providing Level 3 charging, deploy such charging in more remote locations, and help customers lower the peak demand charges that can be associated with fast charging stations. For this demonstration, FreeWire is working with EPRI, AEP, and TVA to compare the technical and economic performance of the Boost unit versus traditional Level 3 DC fast charging solutions. The project will commence once the Boost unit has completed UL testing.

Hyperion has developed a proprietary technology that can digitize large physical high-voltage assets from a single optical fiber. This optical fiber is placed deep within a large high-voltage asset covering the critical elements of the asset. From it, the customer can get temperature and strain information for every meter along the entire length of the fiber within the asset. A passive insulating component is stimulated using light - completely unaffected by the high electromagnetic fields generated and surrounding these large high-voltage components. Once data is generated, the AI engine can track even the smallest changes in temperature and strain, providing valuable insights into asset health and system characteristics.
Project Overview: Throughout the Lab, Hyperion focused on a small transformer application, building and testing a prototype by winding its fiber optic sensor technology into the transformer coil. To validate the accuracy and durability of the technology, heat run testing on the prototype coil was carried out at a high-voltage test facility (Kinectrics) in Toronto under the supervision of EPRI. The results of the fiber measurements were compared to several thermocouples placed around the coil.

Sterblue is a drone software startup that has developed a cloud-based industrial platform to automate drone inspection for utility companies. It allows the user to upload the raw information about their infrastructures and generate 3D flight plans using geometrical parameters for guiding the drone along trajectories that wrap tightly around structures. The captured data is processed using artificial intelligence algorithms that automatically detect and characterize defects on industrial infrastructure.
Project Overview: Sterblue conducted three separate projects during the course of the Lab. They completed automatic inspections of; 29 Wind Turbines, 50 Transmission Towers, and one Cooling Tower. In one day Sterblue broke a record by inspecting 11 wind turbines (including the biggest turbines). These drone flights ran in order to demonstrate artificial Intelligence potential, to detect defects on infrastructure, to increase inspection productivity and to improve safety.